
Monday, March 7, 2011

A "Cube" Gardening

Around the same time, I started a 1 feet cube tank.... Photo was taken in 2010, just before I de-commision the cube tank.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

In 2009

Finally around May 2009, i got my myself a 3 footer with bottom sump system. I should say is ideal for Planted Tank.

After 2 days, my initial setup, just like organising my desktop....pathetic isn't it.

In 2008

After a year, rescape my existing 2 ft tank..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

In 2007

After a lapse of 4 years without touching a fish tank, I have a collision with a new interest in aquatic plants. Its started after i give up terresterial garden and rekindle aquarium and fishes keeping.

My 1st 2 feet tank, with aquatic plant keeping. A gardening under water.

rescape of the same tank. I discovered using the same tank can scape anything to my pleasure, creativity and imagination are the limit.